Our Ministries!

Click on a ministry to learn more!

As a church, it is our desire to disciple the up-and-coming generations, that they would come to know Christ as their saviour and make Him known to their generation. Our Tab Youth Ministry takes place on Sunday mornings and Sunday evenings during the academic school year. On Sunday mornings, from 9:30 a.m. – 10:10 a.m., our Jr. High Students (Grades 7-9) meet in the Blue Room and our Sr. High Students (Grades 10-12) meet in the Youth Room. Through interactive study of God’s Word, we provide spaces where our youth can ask questions, grow in their understanding of Scripture, and fellowship with fellow teenagers.

On Sunday evenings, The Tab Youth Group meets from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. in the Youth Room for games, worship, Bible study, testimonies, small groups, snack, and fellowship. (Please use the back door by the Basketball pad). This is a great place for teens to bring their friends and introduce them to Jesus while growing in community with each other and their walk with God.

Many of the students from the local high school, Prairie Christian Academy, are international students from around the world. Desiring to provide a place where they can build on what they are learning in chapel at school, our church hosts an international student Bible study during the school year on Friday evenings beginning at 7:00 p.m. This Bible study invites them to come and learn more about the Bible and what it means to walk with Jesus, while also having fun and growing in fellowship with one another.

If you are in grades 7 – 12, we would love for you to come check out the youth ministries happening at The Tab!

At The Tab, adult discipleship comes in many shapes and sizes throughout the week, and we’d love for you to come be a part of it!

We offer an Adult Discipleship Class on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. in the sanctuary. This class is hosted in a round table format where the teacher will introduce a topic or a passage and then hand it over to the tables to discuss questions that have been provided.

Throughout the week, over half of our church connects with one another in the various life groups we offer. These life groups meet in people’s homes with the purpose of going deeper into God’s Word, prayer, and growing in community with one another. Many of the groups focus on going through sermon discussion questions provided in the bulletin with the purpose of discussing how we can put that week’s passage into practice, while other groups do stand alone Bible studies. If you are interested in joining a life group, please contact the church office.

On the last Tuesday of most months, The Tab hosts a Round Table Discussion Night around the tables in the sanctuary starting at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of these discussion nights is to tackle tough topics being thrown at Christians by the world. We look at what the world says, what Scripture says, and how we as Christians are called to respond.

Our vision is to demonstrate Christlikeness as we teach children to love God and others. It’s a privilege to come alongside families in our church or in our broader community and reinforce what God is already doing in our homes. Our Children Ministry programs welcome kids of all ages, from newborns to grade 6-ers!
Sundays, during Discipleship Time, from 9:30-10:15 a.m., the Nursery is open to look after Kiddos up to 3 years of age so their moms can concentrate during Adult Discipleship. Older children, from 3 years old to Grade 6 receive age-appropriate chronological Bible lessons, to help them learn and grow in following Jesus.
During the morning service on Sundays, from 10:15-11:30 a.m., the Nursery is again open for those who need it. Following corporate worship in song, our kids from 3 years old to Grade 6 are invited to attend Kidz Worship during the remainder of the adult service. Kidz Worship creates an awareness in our children of global missions and other important biblical topics.
Outreach Events Once a month, when kids don’t have school, we hold Fun Fridays for kids from 4 years old to grade 6. Christmas and Easter offer our kids an opportunity to participate in special presentations. On Valentine’s Day we offer Parents’ Night Out with childcare for couples from the community. In the summer we often do DVBS/Kids Camp.
Our prayer and goal is that children decide to follow and do what Jesus says, demonstrating an understanding of what they’ve been taught, motivation to bring a friend, excitement about coming, a feeling of being welcomed and loved, and enjoyment of learning and sharing with others about Jesus.

Jeaneth Lanchimba de Maxwell
Children Ministry Director

In a world where most men have schedules filled with work commitments and family commitments, we understand that it can be difficult to find time to connect with brothers in Christ for the purpose of encouragement and fellowship. As a church, it is our desire to help meet this need. Every six to eight weeks or so, we like to host an event for the men of our church and their friends where they can come and be encouraged in their faith and grow in community with one another. Events in the past have included men’s breakfasts, wings nights, barbecues, work bees, testimony times, etc. As brothers in Christ, we welcome you to join us for our next men’s event.

As students, career women, moms, and wives, life can get a little hectic sometimes and we all need a chance to kick up our feet and have a good time being encouraged with our sisters in Christ. Throughout the year, we seek to host a variety of events where we can do just that. Generally, these events include a fun activity, snacks, and a testimony from one of the ladies in our church. In addition to women’s events, the church also hosts a women’s Bible study as well as a yearly conference for women (IF Conference) where we can be encouraged in our walk with the Lord. As sisters in Christ, we would love for you to join us in these ministries!

We believe that we have been created to be in a relationship with God with the purpose that we would love Him and glorify Him forever. At The Tab, one of the ways we seek to bring God glory is through our worship times in our Sunday mornings services (10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.).

On any given Sunday morning you can expect that we will be engaging in worship in any of the following ways: singing, praying, tithing, testimonies, communion, serving, receiving the preached Word of God and seeking to apply it to our lives, etc. We would love for you to come join us on a Sunday and worship the Lord with us.

Out of a desire to fulfill the great commission of Matthew 28:19-20, The Tab has always sought to be a missionary sending and mission supporting church.

Some of the ways that The Tab engages in ministry to missionaries are through our weekly online prayer meeting, Missions Emphasis Sundays (MES), Women’s Missionary Fellowship (WMF) groups, and Missions Connect Events.

Our Tuesday Night Prayer meeting takes place at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom (links emailed out from the church office). At a prayer meeting, people can expect to hear a 20–30-minute update from a missionary/Christian ministry. Following the update, there is a time for shared prayer requests. After requests are shared in the larger group, the meeting administrator breaks the group into smaller Zoom Rooms where they pray in groups of four to six people. If you would like to join in on our online prayer meetings, please contact our church office and we would be happy to assist you.

Once a quarter, our Missions Committee hosts a Missions Emphasis Sunday Service. During this service, we receive updates from Tab supported missionaries, and often one of our missionaries is asked to give the message that morning. All are invited to come dressed in international attire and stay for an international potluck after the morning service is over.

Throughout the week, several of the ladies at the Tab are involved in Women’s Missionary Fellowship (WMF) Groups. These groups exist with the purpose of maintaining an active connection between our church and its supported missionaries through emails, letters and newsletters, while also faithfully praying for them.

Our WMF Groups also oversee our Mission Connect Events that happen whenever a Tab Missionary is visiting town. At these events, the church family is invited to gather at the church to hear an update from the visiting missionary, engage in a Q and A time, spend time in song and prayer, and fellowship together over coffee and snacks.

At The Tab, we love spending time fellowshipping with each other! Whether it’s monthly potlucks, coffee times before and after the Sunday service, bonfires at the church fire pit, picnics at a local regional park, board game nights, worship nights, etc. the list is truly endless. In all things, it is our desire to encourage one another as we journey forward on the race that Christ has called us to. We would love for you to come and join us during our fellowship times!


Join us every Thursday from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM for a Coffee and Fellowship gathering in the Fireside room! This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to come together. We invite parents to bring their children along. While the grown-ups chat and enjoy each other's company, they can supervise their kids playing in the Green Room. It's a perfect way to relax, have fun, and build connections in a welcoming atmosphere for all. 

As a church, we don’t believe that outreach is limited to overseas missions alone. It is our desire as a church to be reaching out to people in our community and province with the love of Christ, that they would hear the truth of Christ and come to know Him as their Saviour. What reaching out looks like depends on the day. It might be a specific outreach event/initiative, supporting a local Bible camp, inviting our friends to come to church, or intentionally building relationships with our neighbours so that they would be introduced to Jesus. As a church we want to reach out to our local community with His love.