I was born and raised in Calgary. My family were not Christians. Nevertheless, I was sent to
a nearby Sunday School. Through the influence of two special Sunday School teachers, I
accepted the Lord at 13 years of age. I faithfully attended church and youth group through
my teen years. After graduation I went to the University of Calgary eventually achieving a
Science degree in Geology. I met Joanne and we were married between my 3rd and 4th
year at university. Joanne was and is a dedicated believer and we were determined to create
a Christian home. In time we had 3 children (Kylie, Peter, and Carrie). By this time I had
returned to university and got my teaching certificate and became a career high school
science and math teacher. The Lord guided us to Bible School at Prairie in 1985. We joined
Africa Inland Mission and became staff at Rift Valley Academy in Kenya beginning 1988. We
spent about 20 years in this ministry teaching, dorm parenting, and eventually full time
administration. We ended our ministry there in 2010 and took a position with One Hope
Canada (formerly CSSM), which brought us to Three Hills. This became 10 years of service.
Overall, we have spent over 30 years in missions. I often taught Sunday School, preached,
and worked with pastors. Church life is at the core of our being and continues to be so in our
family including our now married children and their families. God is so good to us!
Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 12:00, 1:00 - 4:00