I grew up in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, and met Christ as my Saviour at an early age through a Five-Day Club program. Once I was old enough, I started serving at the Bible camp I had attended as a camper and spent the next eleven summers on staff. It was there that the Lord cultivated within me a passion to serve Him for the rest of my life. He continued growing this passion during my years of school at Briercrest College and Seminary. And praise be to Him that He has been faithful in giving me opportunities to serve at Bible camps, inner city drop-in centers, youth conferences, in an evangelistic hostel in Amsterdam, and in churches in Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, and now Alberta! As a pastor, it is my desire to teach the Word of God taught faithfully in such a way that people understand what it means, how it is to be applied to their lives – that their lives would be changed for God’s glory. It is also my desire to see people engage in evangelism, discipleship, hospitality, and intentional fellowship. I would love for you to come join our church family in this journey as we seek to build a community in Christ-likeness! Psalm 138:8.
Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 12:00, 1:00 - 4:00