Born in Quito, Ecuador, to parents of Quichua and Spanish descent, I watched the Gospel change my alcohol-damaged parents into evangelistic church planters. God used Romans 3:23 to show me I too was a sinner. I received Christ and wanted to be a missionary. God opened doors for me to study at Rio Grande Bible Institute in Texas, where I received a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies. After college, I did church planting for one year in Washington State and six years back in Ecuador, in rural Quichua communities.
In September 2007, I married Rick Maxwell. We have three children—Raquel, Sebastian & Justin. As a family, we have served two years in Mexico and four years in Ecuador. When we returned to Canada in 2015, deciding to extend our stay for citizenship reasons, our church, the PTC, was a natural place to attend and serve in areas of our gifts and talents. In February, 2022, the Tab hired me, part-time, to coordinate the children’s ministries. In addition to children’s ministry, I enjoy, hiking in the mountains with my family, practicing music together, and having a cup of chamomile, peppermint, or green tea, with friends.
Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 12:00, 1:00 - 4:00