I was born in Medicine Hat, Alberta but moved around a lot as a child. The majority of my childhood was spent in Kenora Ontario. Growing up there gave ample opportunities to enjoy nature, so lots of adventures spent with friends in the bush. We later moved to the lower mainland B.C. where I graduated high school. This was a huge adjustment for me. At 21 I became unwell and moved to Alberta for family support. This time was very hard and long. As I struggled mentally the Lord drew me closer. I am thankful to Him, whose name will last forever, for showing me Himself and the relationship I am privileged to have. At 33, I met my wife to be, Debbie McDonald. We married, have two beautiful boys (Andrew & Aaron) and have lived here together in Three Hills since 2011. I’ve been attending the Tab since then and have grown in the Lord tremendously. I am thankful to have people in my life that have shared their stories with me and have enjoyed seeing God’s hand in many extraordinary ways. I enjoy fishing, game development, video editing and most recently hiking in the mountains. The mountains are a special place for me, I see the awesomeness of God, and have enjoyed organizing hikes with people. I am openhanded to do the will of God and have been privileged to be an Elder here at the Tab. Psalms 103
Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 12:00, 1:00 - 4:00